Gold smelting has come a long way from using over the stove melting techniques. With new better smelting machinery being introduced in the market every day, you now have a variety to choose from. However, as not all furnaces are created equally, it’s important to consider the various features of a gold smelting furnace to pick one that works with you.
1. Capacity Of The Gold

Often it was left to an individual to guess and determine the right amount. To save on fuel, most of the time serious praying and hoping that the amount of gold one had could fill the available smelting container was involved. Today, technology has made it easier to smelt gold. Depending on your desired input and output, you can choose the specific capacity that suits your needs to maximize production.
2. Power Usage Of The Gold Smelting Furnace
Most machinery used in the smelting furnaces today use electricity. However, to make a profit and not use every cent made on settling bills, you have to consider the power usage. Pay attention to the voltage of the electric gold smelting furnace. The output production should balance out with the power required without overloading the system or becoming too expensive.
3. Temperature range provided by the Gold Smelting Furnace
When considering investing in a gold smelting furnace for sale, determine the specific uses of the furnace. Knowing its uses especially in regards to smelting other precious stones will give you a guideline on the temperature range to choose from. Most smelters consider gold, copper, silver, palladium as the base standard when selecting a furnace. When you settle for such specific metals, you can purchase a furnace with a temperature control system for those particular metals.

4. Safety Provided By The Gold Smelting Furnace
As expected, the temperature required to reach a gold melting point is extremely high. Unfortunately, as people handling the equipment are human, accidental burns during transferring do happen. To minimize this risk, aim to purchase in a furnace that offers stable means of transference like a tilting furnace. Also, choose a furnace with a robust fail-safe system that has an in built cooling feature in case part of the furnace malfunctions.
5. Variety Of Metals That Can Be Used In The Gold Smelting Machine
As you smelt gold, you will inevitably come across other precious elements in your endeavors to extract gold. Prepare for this by choosing a gold melting furnace that you can smelt other metals. When you do this and factor in metals such as silver, copper and the likes, you give your business an opportunity to expand to cover other metals in the future.
As seen above, when delving in gold smelting, more consideration is needed than just blindly picking a gold smelting furnace for use. Before going out to choose, have a rough idea of how and what you will use it for. Above all consider your budget when choosing a gold smelting furnace to invest in.